Therapies offered and issues treated
Hypnotherapy can be used to treat many issues. Below is some information on the types of issues that hypnotherapy can be effective in treating. Often you may have a combination of issues to work on. Click on each heading for further information. If you are interested in treatment for any issues not listed below, please get in touch.
- Initial phone consultation = FREE
- One hour therapy session = £60.00
- Stop smoking 2-hour session = £165.00
Addiction is defined as having a lack of control over doing, taking or using something to the point where it could be harmful to you. Addictions are very common. Addiction is often linked to gambling, drugs, alcohol, vaping and smoking. However, there are many other addictions such as work, the internet, social media and shopping. All of these addictions can seriously impact your work, life or relationships, as well as your physical and mental wellbeing.
You may become addicted to something because it affects the way that you feel physically and mentally. The “high” that you feel can be very enjoyable or may create a powerful urge to keep reengaging with the substance or activity. This creates a vicious cycle and is habit forming, which is very hard to break. You may also suffer from withdrawal symptoms when you try to stop, which can be unpleasant and make it harder to stop.
In hypnotherapy we will work to identify and work through the underlying causes of your addiction. The aim is to empower you to understand that your addictive behaviour is something you can control and overcome. Using a combination of techniques we will work to change your perspective on addiction and change any associated habits, behaviours and thought patterns that contribute to your addiction.
Anxiety is usually a natural response to pressure, feeling afraid or threatened, which can show up in how we feel physically, mentally, and in how we behave. It’s common to describe anxiety as a feeling of dread, fear or unease, which can range from mild to severe. It is caused by many different experiences and situations. You may have anxiety about social situations, work, health, performance or any number of issues.
Anxiety can become a problem if we start worrying a lot about small things or relatively harmless situations. It’s usually when our anxiety feels really intense or overwhelming that it starts to interfere with our daily life or affect our relationships.
We will work together to uncover the triggers or unhelpful thoughts responsible for your anxiety. Then, using hypnotherapy, you will learn some relaxation and calming techniques, build self-confidence and work to reprogramme your body and brain to react differently in anxiety producing situations.
In hypnotherapy you’ll learn a relaxation technique to lower the levels of stress and tension in the body. You’ll also learn hypnosis and self-hypnosis to deepen relaxation and increase feelings of confidence. In subsequent sessions you will rehearse and strengthen these techniques to help you practise dealing positively with challenging or stressful situations. The aim is to reprogramme your brain and body to remain calm while in the future.
Many people assume agoraphobia is a fear of open spaces, but it’s actually more complex. Agoraphobia is a fear of being in situations where escape might be difficult or that help wouldn’t be available if things go wrong. They avoid situations that cause anxiety and may not feel able to leave home alone. They may buy groceries online rather than going to the supermarket. They may feel unable to use public transport. This kind of behaviour is known as avoidance. If someone with agoraphobia finds themselves in a stressful situation, they’ll usually experience the symptoms of a panic attack.
In hypnotherapy we will work on relaxation, confidence and control. We will also use a technique known as systematic desensitisation to effectively “desensitise” you to the situations that you have been avoiding or felt unable to confront previously.
Claustrophobia is the irrational fear of confined spaces.
People affected by claustrophobia will often go out of their way to avoid confined spaces, such as lifts, tunnels, tube trains and public toilets. But avoiding these places only serve to may reinforce the fear. Some people with claustrophobia experience mild anxiety when in a confined space, while others may have severe anxiety or a panic attack. It is estimated that around 10% of the UK population are affected by claustrophobia at some point in their life.
In hypnotherapy we will work on relaxation, confidence and control. We will also use a technique known as systematic desensitisation to effectively “desensitise” you to the situations that you have been avoiding or felt unable to confront previously.
Confidence allows us to interact with the world around us and to take on new challenges. It is often linked to self-esteem or our self-belief. When we have low confidence, it can affect our day-to-day life and stop us from doing tasks that might seem simple to others, such as leading a meeting or a social event with friends. Anyone can suffer from a crisis of confidence, regardless of status or life experience. This may be chronic low confidence or low self esteem that has grown and persisted over time, or it may be due to an unexpected setback or difficulty.
In hypnotherapy we use a combination of relaxation techniques alongside “ego-strengthening” or “ego-boosting” to build confidence and self-belief. This is essential, since our belief in our own abilities is directly linked to how we think, feel, and behave. In hypnosis you will be given direct suggestions for feeling more confident, in control and capable. We will build on previous successes or mentally rehearse successful outcomes for future events.
Fear is a normal human response to danger or perceived threat. However, a phobia is an overwhelming and debilitating fear of an object, place, situation, feeling or animal. Phobias are much more noticeable and incapacitating than fears. They can restrict your daily life as well as causing a lot of distress.
Simple or specific phobias relate to particular objects, animals, situations or activities, such as dogs, spiders, germs, water, heights, flying, the dark, visiting the dentist, blood, vomit or having injections.
Complex phobias, such as agoraphobia and social phobias, tend to be more disabling and are often linked with a deep-rooted fear or anxiety about a particular situation or circumstance.
In hypnotherapy we will work on relaxation, confidence and control. We will also use a technique known as systematic desensitisation to effectively “desensitise” you to the situations that you have been avoiding or felt unable to confront previously. You will not be directly exposed to anything you have a fear of within the therapy room.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a common condition that affects the digestive system. Symptoms include stomach cramps, pain, bloating, diarrhoea and constipation. These often fluctuate over time, and can last for days, weeks or months at a time. However, it is usually a lifelong problem and can have a significant impact on your daily life. There is currently no known cure, but diet changes and medicines can help control the symptoms. It is often linked to food passing through your gut too quickly or too slowly, oversensitive nerves in your gut, stress and a family history of IBS.
Gut focused hypnotherapy can be very effective for people with IBS. In 2008, The National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) published guidance for GPs and consultants, saying that there was good evidence that hypnotherapy was an effective treatment which could be recommended for IBS. Dr Peter Whorwell from Manchester University integrates hypnotherapy in his gastroenterology practice and reports at least a 70% success rate.
The key to effective treatment of IBS symptoms in hypnotherapy is your attitude and motivation to change. Unless you are determined to overcome your problems, hypnotherapy is unlikely to be successful. Whilst a hypnotherapist can help you on your journey, you must be resolved to controlling your symptoms.
In hypnotherapy you will be encouraged to use the warmth of your hand resting on the abdomen to calm down areas of spasm and relieve pain as well as using visualisation to imagine your bowel as a river that can be speeded up or slowed down dependent on your presenting symptoms. The aim is to identify the symptoms of your IBS and help you to find a way to control or relieve any discomfort.
It is recommended that you undergo a minimum of six sessions to ensure maximum effectiveness.
Please ensure that you have been diagnosed with IBS by your doctor and have sought their advice before considering hypnotherapy as a treatment.
For further information visit The IBS Network.
There are two different types of pain. Acute pain refers to short term pain which is usually the result of an accident or temporary illness. Chronic pain refers to a more long term or complex pain. It may be linked to an ongoing medical condition such as arthritis, cancer, cluster headaches and migraines, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, endometriosis, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, sciatica and back pain. Sometimes the cause may be unclear.
It is estimated that 28 million people in the UK are living with chronic pain. Pain is a vital signal to us that there is something in the body that needs attention and should not be ignored. However, our attitudes, beliefs, expectations and general well-being can have a direct impact on how we feel pain.
The National Council for Hypnotherapy says hypnotherapy can be ‘highly effective in dealing with pain management.’
It is important to consult your doctor to find out the underlying cause of any pain and ensure that hypnotherapy is a suitable treatment to help you manage your pain or complement any current treatment or medication.
In hypnotherapy we will acknowledge and explore the pain that you are feeling as well as working to manage any fear and anxiety you may have relating to your pain. We will work to reduce stress in the body and relax the nervous system to help it become less reactive to pain. Hypnotherapy for pain management also refocuses your mind away from the pain and provides you with tools to increase comfort levels within the body. We will use a variety of techniques, including learning self-hypnosis, to help you to take control of your pain and employ relaxation strategies when you need them.
Panic is the most severe form of anxiety. During a panic attack there is a surge of intense mental and physical symptoms, and it can be extremely frightening. It can come on very quickly and for no apparent reason. You may find yourself avoiding certain situations because you are scared that they may trigger a panic attack. This can create a cycle of living “in fear of fear” which adds to your sense of panic and may ultimately cause further attacks. You may get symptoms such as palpitations, sweating, nausea, chest pain, breathing difficulties, trembling, dizziness, pins and needles or an overwhelming feeling of dread. Be mindful that most of these symptoms can also be symptoms of other conditions or problems, so it is important to see your doctor to get an official diagnosis.
In hypnotherapy we will work to reduce anxiety and alleviate panic attacks by means of direct suggestion and by exploring and reframing behavioural responses. We will use relaxation techniques to lower the levels of stress, tension and anxiety in the body. You’ll also learn hypnosis and self-hypnosis to deepen relaxation and increase feelings of confidence. In subsequent sessions you will rehearse and strengthen these techniques to help you practise dealing positively with challenging or stressful situations. The aim is to reprogramme your brain and body to remain calm while in the future.
Social anxiety is also known as social phobia and is an overwhelming or debilitating fear of social situations. It can significantly impact your life and prevent you from doing tasks that other people might find easy and straightforward. Social anxiety is more than simply being shy. It’s a fear that does not go away and can considerably affect everyday activities, self-confidence, relationships and work or school life. Many people occasionally worry about social situations, but someone with social anxiety feels overly worried before, during and after them. You may worry things such as meeting strangers, starting conversations, speaking on the phone, working, shopping, eating with others and social events.
You may have an overwhelming fear of being judged or criticised and feel that you are always being watched by others. You might struggle to hold a conversation or maintain eye contact. You may also suffer from physical symptoms, such as nausea, sweating, trembling or a pounding heartbeat. It may even lead to panic attacks.
We will uncover the negative or unhelpful thoughts that may be at the root of your social anxiety and work to correct those both in discussion and under hypnosis. In hypnotherapy you’ll learn a relaxation technique to lower the levels of stress and tension in the body. You’ll also learn hypnosis and self-hypnosis to deepen relaxation and increase feelings of confidence. In subsequent sessions you will rehearse and strengthen these techniques to help you practise dealing positively with challenging or stressful situations. The aim is to reprogramme your brain and body to remain calm while in the future.
Stress is the body’s natural reaction to feeling threatened or under pressure. When we are stressed, our body releases a hormone called adrenaline which usually gives us a boost or motivates us to act quickly. However, too much stress can affect our mood, our body and our relationships – especially when it feels out of our control. It can make us feel anxious, irritable as well as affecting our self-esteem. If you suffer from long-term or severe stress this can lead to feeling physical, mental and emotional exhaustion, often referred to as “burnout”.
In hypnotherapy you’ll learn a relaxation technique to lower the levels of stress and tension in the body. We will explore the triggers or root causes of your stress so we can directly target responses to these issues. You’ll also learn hypnosis and self-hypnosis to deepen relaxation and increase feelings of confidence. In subsequent sessions you will rehearse and strengthen these techniques to help you practise dealing positively with challenging or stressful situations. The aim is to reprogramme your brain and body to remain calm while in the future.
Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA) refers to the reduced attendance or complete non-attendance at school by a child or young person. It is often linked to, or a product of, social anxiety or social phobia. The term school refusal is no longer used as this holds many negative perceptions and fails to recognise the significant mental and emotional issues that usually contribute to a child or young person’s inability to attend school.
There has been a noticeable increase in the number of young people exhibiting EBSA, particularly since the Covid pandemic and in line with increasing mental health issues in children and young people. It can be a complex issue and there are often a number of underlying causes which can make it difficult to address without some form of psychological intervention.
Many young people will show physical symptoms, such as headaches, nausea or stomach aches especially when getting ready for school in the morning. Some young people may even experience panic attacks. They will also appear stressed and anxious, and this can have a significant impact not only on them but also on the wider family. Left untreated, these issues can become much worse, sometimes leading to further issues such as self-harm, eating disorders or suicidal thoughts.
Hypnotherapy can be very effective in young people, especially in cases where they are reluctant to engage in more traditional talking therapies. In hypnotherapy there is less onus on the young person to discuss their thoughts and feelings in great detail, though a willingness to explore any possible triggers or responses during the initial consultation is important. Having worked in pastoral care at a local secondary school for over 10 years, I usually have a very good rapport with children and young people, which is a major contributing factor to successful treatment.
Hypnotherapy can be used to help children explore and overcome their symptoms with the aim of helping them feel confident, in control and calm enough to get back into school. In discussion and under hypnosis we will use a variety of techniques including NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), behavioural therapy, and positive psychology strategies to reprogramme any unhelpful or negative beliefs and behaviours.
Please note that hypnotherapy is just one of the many approaches available for addressing emotionally based school avoidance. It is important to consult with a mental health professional who can provide an accurate diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatment options based on your child’s individual needs.
Sleep disorders are a group of conditions that stop you from sleeping well and negatively affect your sleeping pattern. They are very common and affect people of all ages. Insomnia is where people have difficulty falling or staying asleep. Sleep disorder related problems or symptoms can vary depending on which sleep disorder you are suffering from. They may include sleepwalking, teeth grinding or jaw clenching, daytime fatigue, interrupted sleeping pattern, irritability, trouble falling asleep and waking up too early without feeling refreshed.
Children and young people may also suffer from bed wetting.
Hypnotherapy can be effective for a number of sleep issues. By employing a variety of therapeutic techniques, we will aim to address the root cause of the sleep disorder, whilst reprogramming the subconscious mind to enable restful, calm and relaxing sleep. We will explore relaxation techniques and may employ the use of suggestion to replace any unhelpful beliefs or behaviours. We will also explore and address your sleep hygiene routine (what you do prior to sleep) to ensure that you are giving yourself the best possible chance of a successful outcome.
The NHS also provides comprehensive information on sleep hygiene.
Smoking is one of the biggest causes of illness and death in the UK. Each year more than 70,000 people die from smoking and many more suffer from serious smoking-related illnesses. Smoking is responsible for 70% of lung cancer cases as well as many other forms of cancer. It damages the heart and lungs as well as having the potential to affect fertility in men and women.
With a packet of cigarettes costing between £12-£16, a 20-a-day smoker can spend anywhere from £80 to £110 per week. That’s between £4000 – £6000 a year! Imagine what you could do with that money.
Whilst vaping is not believed to have the same health impact as smoking cigarettes, nicotine containing vapes or e-cigarettes can also be highly addictive and may affect breathing and heart rate. It is also a growing concern amongst young people in the UK.
Smoking and vaping can impact your daily life, in terms of monetary cost but also due to the “hold” it has over us. Many people wish to quit, not only for health benefits, but to take back control and to lessen the impact on the people around us. It may also affect our ability to take part in sport or exercise.
Smoking and vaping can have significant mental and emotional ties, so we will work to uncover and tackle the factors that are preventing you from stopping and break any habits formed.
Many people worry about the possibility of weight gain when they give up smoking or vaping, as they are concerned that they will substitute cigarettes for food. For this reason, in hypnotherapy we will encourage your subconscious mind not to replace smoking or vaping with unhelpful habits, but with habits that will benefit your body, mind and overall health.
In hypnotherapy we will combine hypnosis with tailored direct and indirect suggestions along with NLP techniques to help you have a greater chance of quitting. We will use a single two-hour session at a charge of £165.00 which is less than many smokers spend in a month on cigarettes.
As with any issue, one of the most important factors to success with hypnotherapy is your determination and willingness to stop.
For further information on quitting smoking, you can also visit the NHS website.
There is a long list of unwanted habits or compulsions that people deal with on a daily basis. This includes hair or eyelash pulling (trichotillomania), teeth clenching or grinding (bruxism), skin picking or squeezing (dermatillomania), nail biting (onychophagia) and bed wetting (nocturnal enuresis). These habits may have been formed over years due to repeated reinforcement or may be due to a single triggering event and underlying mental stress.
In hypnotherapy we will combine hypnosis with tailored direct and indirect suggestions along with NLP techniques to help you have a greater chance of breaking your unwanted habit. It is important that you consult with your doctor to ensure that there are no underlying root causes, and that hypnotherapy is suitable for you.
It is estimated that around 25% of adults and around 20% of children aged 10 to 11 are living with obesity in the UK. This can pose health risks and increase your chances of suffering from illness. Even if you are not obese, you may still be unhappy with your weight and its impact on how you feel about yourself and your ability to do day-to-day activities.
Today there is a wealth of information available to us in terms of how to manage our weight and lifestyle in order to stay fit, healthy and happy. However, for many of us, weight loss and weight management can still prove to be very difficult for a number of reasons. You may have tried a number of diets and regimes to help you manage your weight, only to find that you fall back into old habits and weight gain returns or even gets worse. This may be because of the emotional and societal ties associated with food and drink and how we use it to self-sooth. You may find yourself mindlessly over-eating or reaching for an alcoholic drink when you are sad, angry, tired, fed up or happy, instead of when you are hungry and in need of nourishment.
In hypnotherapy we will work to identify any underlying causes or triggers for your over-eating, including any emotional events or feelings linked to this. We will help your subconscious mind to recognise these triggers and to create more helpful responses. We will work to enable more control and positivity around food and drink, improving your relationship with food and building your self-esteem.